Saturday, October 8, 2011


Today is a good date is not it?
hmmmm .... but why my heart is not as good as today's date on it?
a bad mood? or a good mood? from which I can define it?
in fact every day, date, hours, minutes, even seconds are created good by God .. every day, God planned it beautifully .. the good and bad days are determined by our own ... if today is not appropriate and in line with our thinking, then it is called today was a bad day :( but on the contrary, if this day goes according to plan and our desires, then we will say that today is a good day :)
Similarly, the date, let's say the 11th is the date of our friends going together .. of course the 11th is a special date for our friends :) but in fact the 11th is bad for us because on that date we've just broken up with boyfriend :(

So how should we can do?
maybe we better go on and continue to be grateful for what happens to our lives ... every day we should always be grateful that God has given us one more day a chance tolive and view the contents of the world ... There is always a good of any adverse events .. every movement is happening in the world,be it bad or good, this is the case with the blessing of the Lord ...Do not curse the day, because your day is going to be bad ..always good to think about your day, then your day will be good :)

PS: Please give me a comment, when is your best day? best date? and why? thank u :)



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